
We work for universities, companies, governments, international organisations

We have worked with people from around the world

Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belgium, Belarus, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Iran, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Serbia, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Netherlands, Trinidad & Tabago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Uruguay,  the USA, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zimbabwe

What people say about us

“For a team, increasingly working in an international and in particular Asian environment, the experience with Cultural Quantum has proven to be absolutely helpful. They offered us a perfect balance between on the one hand the cultural, political and social insights, and on the other the link with real-life cases we encounter in our day-to-day interaction. The take-away from the workshops is very practical and will without any doubt serve the future interaction with our Asian colleagues.”

Jan Vandewalle, Umicore Head of Group Control & Consolidation

The Cultural Quantum training was an eye opener for our team. It has profoundly changed the attitude towards intercultural and international collaboration.”

Dirk Van Braeckel, Director F&A at ICRH

“Despite 15 years of active business presence in China, ChinaConduct significantly enhanced our sensitivity and ability to read verbal and non-verbal messages from our Chinese business partners. Our collaboration with ChinaConduct enabled us to gain deeper insight into Chinese business environment and its close – but often hidden – intertwinement with the government.”

Geert Vandenhoeck , Umicore Electro-Optic Materials, Director Finance & Strategic Development

“My cross-cultural coaching from the ChinaConduct team provided invaluable insight into the Chinese culture, traditions and way of thinking. It proved the perfect step towards the cultural understanding needed to lead a team in China and enter this new and exciting business environment.”

Emma Howe, Bayer Healthcare China, Head of Marketing-Consumer Care

Having just completed the Cultural Quantum course, I find myself reflecting deeply on my academic journey through a new lens. The  training has transformed my understanding of cross-cultural academic environments from intuitive navigation to conscious engagementThe courses emphasis on managing mutual expectations across cultural boundaries has already proven valuable. What strikes me most is how cultural dynamics influence our scientific work itself. Whether in lab meetings, conference presentations, or industry collaborations, our research benefits from diverse cultural perspectives. However, realizing this potential requires conscious effort to bridge different approaches to time management, decision-making, and problem-solving.The framework presented for cross-cultural communication offers practical tools for improving our research collaborations.”    

Lingyue Liu, PhD researcher KU Leuven, Soft Matter, Rheology and Technology (SMaRT)

“My everyday working reality involves interacting with stakeholders from a wide range of countries and cultures. Although extremely interesting, the differences between cultural practices can have a big impact on the outcome of a project. Some of the challenges I have faced have been extremely frustrating. That being said, the Cultural Quantum training I received was deeply informative. I was equipped with concrete guidelines to understand and assess the differences between cultures and their practices. Moreover, our facilitator, Dr Jeanne Boden, brought her lifetime of international experience to the sessions, and was exceptionally skilled in her capacity to articulate the often-subtle cultural nuances that we were all trying to understand. Interestingly, I also learned quite a lot about myself, and how my own cultural background fits into the larger globalized world…Plus one for self-confidence!”

Darian Pearce, PhD Researcher UGent
Previously with Prime Africa Consultants, Pretoria, South Africa

The Cultural Quantum training helped me understand the different levels of international cooperation: from background of all the parties involved and communication, to cultural, political and educational context in which the cooperation occurs. I was able to reflect on my own position in international constellation, analyze situations I faced, and get to know my own strengths and weaknesses and how my previous educational and social background shaped me into a person I am today. These important realizations will pave the path to improving my day-to-day and long-term international experiences.

Aleksandra Zečić, PhD Student, Ghent University

This workshop was well-organized and eye-opening! Thanks to the interactive and inspiring atmosphere throughout the workshop, those complex yet ubiquitous cross-cultural phenomena and experiences became concrete and comprehensible. Instead of simply giving a fish, this workshop illustrated both know-how and hands-on skills of fishing. I would strongly recommend the theory and tools acquired from this exceptional workshop to my colleagues and friends!

Renqiang Li, PhD Student, KU Leuven

I think this class was successful in opening our minds and putting this difficult concept into structured information. By having this knowledge, we can think more clearly about things that happen in daily interactions and give a deeper thought on why something “does not feel right” or “awkward”.

Yam Alcaraz, PhD Student, KU Leuven

“I attended Optimising cooperation in international research groups out of curiosity. The overall experience was overwhelming and it was very useful. It made me  reflect and concentrate on even the smallest aspects of dealing with international cross-cultural teams.”

Vijaykumar Guddad (India) PhD Researcher UGent, ELIS

“A two day session from Cultural Quantum made me aware of the details in international cooperation. The use of participant’s cases made the session quite interactive and breathtaking.”

Michael Tetemke Mehari (Ethiopia) PhD Researcher UGent, Department of Information Technology

“Optimizing cooperation in international research groups is extremely helpful if you want to improve your assertiveness and self-knowledge as part of international groups. I learned a lot from other participant`s backgrounds and points of view. Being away from home and facing a new culture is a challenge and this course helped me to better understand my position among the people around me.”

Leandro Paulo De Almeida Reis Tanure (Brazil), PhD researcher, UGent, Department of Material Science and Engineering